Regain Function After SCI

Undergo cutting-edge spinal cord injury treatments and regain motor, sensory and autonomic functions

Looking for something more than rehabilitation and basic care after spinal cord injury? Verita Neuro is an international healthcare provider offering pioneering spinal cord injury treatment which allows patients to regain function, independence and quality of life.

Our epidural stimulation protocol has offered patients improvements including:

  • Ability to stand and take assisted steps
  • Ability to move limbs voluntarily
  • Improved functions in upper limbs, including the ability to use arms, hands, and fingers
  • Stabilized blood pressure
  • Improved stamina and strength
  • More bladder and bowel control
  • Enhanced sensation
  • Better temperature regulation
Verita Neuro Epidural Stimulation PT with tablet showing patient undergoing physical therapy while being monitored on tablet

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of patients treated
of patients reported improvements in motor functions*
of patients report better stamina after the device implantation*
of patients saw improvements in balance*

How does it work?

Epidural stimulation for spinal cord injury is a treatment suitable for injuries between the C4 and T11 levels and we treat both complete and incomplete patients.
Our epidural stimulation protocol combines surgery and neuromodulation techniques with stem cell treatment and physical & occupational therapy. The first step is to implant a small medical stimulation device, which is surgically placed on the posterior structures of the lumbar spinal cord.The surgery is minimally invasive with a recovery time of around 2 days. The device then emits electrical currents which amplify nerve signals from the brain to spinal cord tissue below the level of injury, allowing the spinal cord to react. This enhance voluntary movement and the restoration of various involuntary body functions, such as blood pressure regulation.

All care plans are tailor-made by our team of doctors and personalised according to the patients needs. Our team is made up entirely of neurospecialists, from Doctors and Nurses to physiotherapists, with years of experience in neuromodulation and neurorehabilitation.

Get in touch today to learn more and get started with your bespoke care plan to improve your mobility, quality of life and independence.

Epidural Stimulation Patient Successes

Verita Neuro Epidural Stimulation Patient Success Story Joao web


T9 spinal cord injury

From the start of the mapping, I got movements from the legs, some flexions and standing. Four weeks after surgery, I was already able to stand.

Verita Neuro Epidural Stimulation Patient Success Story Karla


C6-C7 spinal cord injury

I could stand up and take some steps with the stimulation. In the past when I’ve had KAFOs (knee-ankle-foot-orthoses) you’re just kind of pulling your leg and doing a bit of lifting, but with epidural stimulation, you feel your knee going up and going back down. I wasn’t expecting that, so that was pretty incredible.

Our Doctors

Profile photo Dr. Nasir Majeed, MBBS

Dr. Nasir Majeed, MBBS

Global Medical Director

Profile photo - Dr Rodrigo Vilches Aranguren

Dr. Rodrigo Vilches Aranguren, MD

Medical Director
Verita Neuro Mexico

Profile photo - Dr. Beatriz Perez Hernandez, MD​

Dr. Beatriz Perez Hernandez, MD​

Medical Director
Verita Neuro Mexico

Profile photo - Dr. Bunpot Sitthinamsuwan, MD, MSc

Dr. Bunpot Sitthinamsuwan,

Chief Neurosurgeon

Profile photo - Dr Paulina Marin, MD

Dr Paulina Marin, MD

Attending Physician

Profile photo - Dr. Rodrigo Mercado Pimentel, MD

Dr. Rodrigo Mercado Pimentel, MD


Start seeing gains in function Today

*improvements are subjective and vary from mild to significant