Shantanu Sharma

Injury Level: T7
Time since injury: 1 – 2 years

T7 Spinal Cord Injury Patient Shantanu - Epidural Stimulation

Shantanu Sharma is a 22-year-old patient from Nepal whose life was changed when he suffered an accident that fractured his spinal cord. Shantanu was left with a T7 spinal cord injury, which resulted in the loss of voluntary movement in his lower limbs, as well as control over his bladder and bowel movement. Shantanu sought treatment to alleviate his condition and discovered epidural stimulation, offered by Verita Neuro. He decided to undergo the treatment, hoping that it would help to return his lost functions. 

In the early weeks of his treatment, Shantanu was filled with hope, feeling the treatment will open up “a whole new world of possibilities.” The treatment enabled him to undertake physical activities he hadn’t done since his injury, 2 years before. 

Shantanu Sharma

's process

Extremely happy with his decision to undergo Epidural Stimulation Treatment, Shantanu believes he “will be open to the whole new world of possibilities.” Only a few weeks into the treatment, this T7 Spinal Cord Injury patient has already done things he could never have done ever since the injury 2 years ago.

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Patient Outcome Stories

Injury Level: C7
Time since injury: 5 – 15 years