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C7 Spinal Cord Injury Patient Isaac - Epidural Stimulation

Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Patient’s Continued Progress following Epidural Stimulation

To learn about Isaac’s story from the beginning, please read the first blog post in this series by clicking here.


Isaac sat with us once again to tell us what had changed in the week or so since his epidural stimulation device was turned on. He was doing well and he recounted his progress through daily physical therapy. With the shock and joy of being able to move his legs and stand on the first day, Isaac was onto to his next challenges and feeling really hopeful. It’s easy to imagine that Isaac was nervous about being far away from home, receiving a treatment that is revolutionary, but still not widely offered.

“I was kind of hesitant on how the surgery and implant were going to go… it felt like a gamble, you know, throwing the dice. Now that I’ve seen what, on the first day, being able to stand up with the stimulator on, I’m quite optimistic of how this procedure will work” 

But, the surgery and therapy so far seemed to be a great success and Isaac had already accomplished what he thought would be the most he would ever get out of this procedure in just one day. Which to him was an incredibly encouraging factor on its own. He knew that the worst was over and his reservations about his epidural stimulation surgery were gone. Now, he could focus on maximising his results.

“I’ve already got as much function as I thought I was going to plateau at on the first day” 

With a team of doctors and clinical specialists in tow, Isaac was feeling better and better about his journey to Bangkok. Stay with us for more information on his progress, interviews with other members of his team and his last days of treatment with us.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch Isaac’s full series. You can also learn more about Isaac and epidural stimulation by visiting our website.

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