Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient D

Patient sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury at T7-T8 level on May 31, 2015. His MRI scan showed T8 fracture dislocation with subsequent partial spinal cord myelomalacia (softening of the spinal cord). Patient is paraplegic, so fine motor skills in his hands and fingers are normal.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient C

Patient sustained a T7 level traumatic SCI (spinal cord injury), resulting from a car accident in 2018. His MRI scan showed T7 fracture-dislocation with subsequent myelomalacia (softening of the spinal cord). He is paraplegic and has normal upper limb functions.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient B

Patient sustained a complete T7-T8 spinal cord injury, characterized by complete loss of motor and sensory functions below the injury level. He is paraplegic with normal upper limb functions and is independent in his daily activities. Patient endures mild spasticity and spasms, but has no neuropathic pain and normal sweating ability.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient A

Patient sustained a C7 fracture-dislocation on November 2, 2016. He experienced subsequent spinal cord myelomalacia (softening of the spinal cord) and has minimal motor or sensory function below the injury level. He has neurogenic bowel and bladder.

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