Andrew Bell

Injury Level: T5
Time since injury: 1 – 2 years

Spinal Cord Injury Patient Andrew

A negligent car driver hit Andrew’s motorbike in May 2015 leaving Andrew paralysed from the chest down. Two metal rods were inserted into his spine, and within three days of his accident Andrew was told he was unlikely ever to walk again. He began researching treatments to improve his function. 

Andrew’s initial results in Bangkok, Thailand were excellent. Remaining positive, and being both mentally and physically fit helped him to achieve great results following the epidural stimulation procedure. He gained control of his legs after just a few days, and his exceptional fitness helped the rehabilitation process.

The ongoing progress that Andrew made following his treatment was remarkable. Andrew regained the ability to walk again, with very little assistance.

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Patient Outcome Stories

Injury Level: C6, C7
Time since injury: < 1 year

Injury Level: C4, C5
Time since injury: 2 – 5 years

Injury Level: C5, C6
Time since injury: 5 – 15 years