Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient J

Patient sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury at C6 level on February 14, 2018. Patient has limited arm and hand function, but no finger function. He suffers mild spasms and spasticity, but no neuropathic pain. He requires assistance in his daily activities.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient I

Patient sustained a traumatic C5 spinal cord injury in 2017, characterized by incomplete quadriplegia and complete paraplegia. He has limited sensory and motor functions in the hands and arms and no voluntary motor function in his lower limbs. He suffers from neurogenic bladder and bowel, but not from spasms, spasticity, or neuropathic pain.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient H

Patient sustained a gunshot spinal cord injury at the T6 level in 1999. Patient’s MRI scan showed T6 fracture-dislocation with partial spinal cord transection and severe myelomalacia (softening of the spinal cord). Patient has minimal motor or sensory functions below the injury level and suffers from neurogenic bladder and bowel.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient F

Patient sustained fracture and bursting of T7 with 12mm rear wall displacement. Her MRI scan showed T7 fracture-dislocation with spinal cord contusion and myelomalacia. Patient has complete paraplegia with no residual motor or sensory functions below the injury level, but is independent in her daily activities. Patient suffers from neurogenic bladder and bowel.

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Patient Stories - Case Study

Patient E

Patient sustained fracture and bursting of T7 with 12mm rear wall displacement. Her MRI scan showed T7 fracture-dislocation with spinal cord contusion and myelomalacia. Patient has complete paraplegia with no residual motor or sensory functions below the injury level, but is independent in her daily activities. Patient suffers from neurogenic bladder and bowel.

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