Brinston Tchana

Injury Level: T6
Time since injury: 1 – 2 years

Spinal Cord Injury Patient Brinston

Brinston was left paralysed after the car he and his friends were in was hit by a drunk driver in Spain, the country in which he grew up. He was left as the only survivor from this tragic accident.

Despite suffering a T6 level spinal cord injury as a result of the incident and having to get used to life in a wheelchair quickly, Brinston remained upbeat and optimistic that there would be a treatment available to help improve his quality of life and regain mobility.

After learning about epidural stimulation and Andrew Bell’s story, 19-year old Brinston was certain that this treatment offered the greatest potential to allow him to achieve the improvements he desired.

He travelled to Bangkok, Thailand in late 2016 to undergo the epidural stimulation procedure in combination extensive rehabilitation.

In this video, Brinston describes his experience during treatment and offers a message to others who may be considering epidural stimulation.

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Patient Outcome Stories

Injury Level: C4
Time since injury: 1 – 2 years

Injury Level: T5
Time since injury: 1 – 2 years

Injury Level: T6
Time since injury: 1 – 2 years